Friday, January 19, 2007

Defying Your Medical Diagnosis

Medical doctors can have tremendous negative effects on your life if you relinquish the responsibility for and power over your health to them.

Now I'm not talking just about doctors who are negligent or psychopathic. I'm also referring to the competent and humane ones. The ones who do their jobs to perfection. The one’s who care. The one's who go the extra mile to figure out what's wrong with you. The one's who then present their findings to you in the form of a diagnosis.

But isn't that what doctors are supposed to do? Isn't that what we go to them for? Isn't that a sign of good medical practice?

Well if you allow yourself to become married to a diagnosis, especially one that has a poor prognosis (i.e. a poor long-term outcome based on statistics) then you are as good as dead. You will however be making your doctor feel like they’ve served you well through their efforts to provide you the diagnosis.

Now you might be scratching your head wondering what I'm talking about so let me be clearer.

A doctor's diagnosis is often taken by patients as "God's Truth", a truth that is thought to be inevitable, unchangeable, and irreversible and so on.

Why is this? Well because most patients have given away their power over their own lives to these doctors. Whatever they say then becomes the truth and the whole truth.

How many times have you heard a story of a doctor telling a patient that the cancer they have will kill them in a matter of months? When an individual buys this news as the truth what do you think happens to them? Well they fulfill the doctor's prophecy don't they?

There are however the conscious and, shall we say "stubborn", few who refuse to buy into this kind of news. What happens to them? Well in a large number of cases they beat and even defeat the prophecy.

So what does this tell you about the power of one's beliefs?

Well in my experience it says that it is the belief in the diagnosis that kills you in the end, that is if you accept it as true.

Working with clients over the last ten years employing a powerful modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP) I have helped individuals release deeply imprinted beliefs about their health that were "imprinted" literally into their minds and bodies by well meaning doctors.

In doing so they have experienced remarkable shifts in their level of emotional and physical empowerment and thus their ability to tap into healing capacities they had forgotten they had.

In my view this phenomenon must be acknowledged by individuals if they are to reclaim these unique abilities and thereby assume responsibility for themselves once and for all.