Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Home Remedy For Yeast Infection And Correct Diagnosis

Is there any value or for that matter, risk, exploring a home remedy for yeast infection? Why not pick up the phone and make an appointment to visit your health physician. Surely yeast infection treatment is best delivered by medical experts who are trained and knowledgeable in this area.

There is always a danger in self treatment or self diagnosis and the warning is issued time and time again... know and be aware of the risks before performing any type of self treatment. Yeast infection is a sometimes delicate and personal topic not openly discussed by sufferers. Understanding the how and why is one thing but yeast infection treatment is an entirely different "ball game."

Did You Know?

Those most at risk of yeast infection are young to middle age women. There are several causes such as consumption of a broad spectrum of medications, hormonal changes experienced by women during pregnancy, vaginal sensitisation to cleansing products as well as wearing tight clothing such as jeans.

Home Remedies

Home remedy for yeast infection comes in many forms including using buttermilk, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract, yoghurt and douching. Yoghurt is a popular yeast infection treatment because it contains Lactobacillus acidophilus, a naturally produced bacterium within the vagina which generally keeps in check other regularly appearing yeast strains. Application can either be by applying directly to the vulva or as has been suggested and is a popular application technique, simply soaking a tampon before placing it in the vaginal region for up to one hour.

Before applying any home remedy techniques, do a little due diligence and be sure the application is safe.

Non Prescription Drugs

In the USA, yeast infection treatment products are now available over the counter at pharmacies. One of the problems with this condition is that sufferers sometimes suffer from "itchy trigger finger" syndrome meaning they'll rush in and by a treatment product at the slightest hint of an itch. Over use of these drugs have the effect of causing an imbalance between the naturally occurring Lactobacillus acidophilus bacterium and other yeast strains within the vagina. This also causes some yeast strains to become drug resistant.

Correctly Diagnosing Yeast Infection

So what should you do if you suspect you have a yeast infection? While it is not life threatening, proper diagnosis should be your first priority. As mentioned earlier, self diagnosis is not a good idea because an error in judgement, whether it be the diagnosis or the treatment, could lead to more painful and drastic consequences. Sure, an intense itching and burning sensation in the vagina region accompanied by unsightly discharge should give you every reason to suspect yeast infection however, for peace of mind and medical confirmation, wouldn't it be a safer option to visit your doctor?

As far as home remedy for yeast infection is concerned, you may be surprised at how helpful some health physicians are about the subject. The message is though, check before going ahead with something you may well regret later.

About the Author

Dean Caporella is a professional broadcaster. Read news,views and reviews onyeast infectionand related information in the world of infection at: