Friday, March 9, 2007

General information about appendicitis

The affection known as appendicitis means in fact the inflammation of the appendix, the smallest and shortest part of the large intestine hanging on the right side of the Ilion. Although its importance in the human body only lies in containing parts of the lymphoid system, it can easily become ill and cause major problems if not treated. Without a surgical intervention at the right time, the appendix can get infected, break open or can even lead to death. Around 1 of 500 persons makes appendicitis every year.

The most common occurrence of appendicitis is due to a viral infection inside the intestines or to a foreign body blocking the connection between appendix and Ilion.

The inflammation in the appendix can cause major damages for the entire organism; it can get infected, can ease the formation of blood clots and can perforate affecting the entire peritoneum. Appendicitis is a surgical emergency! Anyone with the following symptoms should see a surgeon as soon as possible:
1. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, medical called right ileac fosa. The initial pain is situated around the navel and moves down and to the right while becoming worse. Pains increase when moving, sneezing, deep breathing or being touched in the area.
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting states
4. Diarrhea or constipation according to the particular case.
5. Stopped intestinal transit for food and gases.
6. Low fever after the appearance of other symptoms.
7. Abdominal distension

Symptoms vary from case to case and are never the same. People suspecting they have appendicitis shouldn’t take laxatives to combat constipation because the appendix can be forced and burst; also they shouldn’t take pain-killers that could mask important symptoms the surgeon must know.

A medical diagnosis of appendicitis is based on several most important steps: 1. The consulting physician must observe and well interpret all signs and symptoms.
2. A complete and careful physical exam must be performed.
3. Para clinical investigations are required:
A. Blood analysis for high white blood cells and also searching for signs of inflammation (VSH, protein C, leukocyte formula)
B. Urine tests to eliminate a urinary tract infection
C. Ultrasound investigation to see if the appendix is swollen

The treatment for appendicitis is surgical appendectomy. It can be done classical through a larger cut or more modern by laparoscopy. The newer laparoscopic surgery creates small incisions on the abdomen where the surgeon can insert a minicamera and instruments. The surgeon can extract the appendix without esthetical consequences.

The patients can have a perfectly normal life without their appendix. Diets are not needed, no special care or exercises. Just a little time to adjust to the thought.

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For more resources about acute appendicitis or even about appendicitis please visit this website